Orange I glad I tried it

You’ll have to forgive the title of the post. Tis the season to be behind on many things (don’t ask how Christmas shopping is going…) and low on brain power. On the plus side, last night I was finally able to not only make a legit meal, but actually try a new recipe — skinny orange chicken.

Before heading to the gym, I cut up the chicken and also whipped up the orange sauce. It was a bit much having my hands smell like garlic throughout class, but it saved me a solid 25 minutes of prep work once I got home. The cooking part took all of 15 minutes, which is a definite win in my book.

I didn’t use quinoa, primarily because I couldn’t find an unflavored option that wouldn’t cost me $15. Instead I opted for brown couscous, though still made it with the chicken broth. Delicious choice. I’d also hoped to put broccoli in with it (if only for a bit more color) but ended up using it all for a broccoli salad I made for a work potluck. It’s definitely something I’d add next time I make it.

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The orange chicken was a bit spicier than I anticipated but still a good blend of flavors. I’m not entirely sure how “skinny” it actually is, though I certainly can’t feel bad about non-breaded chicken with couscous. It beats the alternative, right? (Especially since the alternative would include an eggroll and/or crab rangoon…).

About dakotalizzie

I'm a twentysomething young professional living in Nebraska. My blog centers on the things I love - my family, dogs, friends, crafting, cooking, life chats and health. All these things help me lead the good life, and isn't that really what it's all about?

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